And There’s Light! (Candle Flame)

Stock image of 'Blazing red candle in the night'
“Blazing red candle in the night”
Picture taken from

                                     l  f
                                   d    l
                                  n       a
                                a           m
                               c              e
                      Wax wick wax wick Wax
                      Wax wick wax wick Wax
                      Wax wick wax wick Wax
                      Wax wick wax wick Wax
                      Wax wick wax wick Wax
                      Wax wick wax wick Wax

               Match struck against red phosphorus
               And powdered glass then flame rises

               Flame flickers flame flickers Flames
               Wick lit wick lit wick lit wick lit Wick
               And there’s light! Candle flame! Flame

               Flame burns flame burns flame burns
               Flame dances flame dances flame dances

               Flame glows flame glows flame glows glows
               Flame grows flame grows flame grows grows
               Flame leaps flame leaps flame leaps leaps

               Surely with one puff of breath flame dies!


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