Baby Girl Baby Boy

Image taken from
There is tension in the air
So many excited people waiting to share
The good news that
Baby Girl Baby Boy is here
Then without warning
And after pondering
Whether or not the time is right
To give up the fight
And make a star appearance
She or is it He
Announces with vocal bells
That one has arrived
To survive and strive
In their family’s loving care
And those with whom they wish to share
That extra-special beauty and heartfelt love
Which comes running in like a flying dove
When we hear…
Baby’s here!
The tension was in the air
So many excited people now share
The great news that…
Baby Girl Baby Boy is here!
Feasting their eyes and radiating so much loving care
Admiring Baby Girl Baby Boy
She or is it He is not the first baby
Nor the last to be sent from the Ancestors
All the way from the past

I palpitate my circles of light and love
 to embrace and engulf you true!All the way from the past

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