Cat – No Mat!

Image taken from:

I saw a cat of ebony

Sitting on a plank of wood
In my garden – No Mat!                                                                                          
Thinking and pondering maybe                                                                                                  
About her next plate of food
Posture tight and snug
But she had no rug
The band of gold around
Her neck glistened against
The black of her fur
Whilst she sat trying to purr
She sat there staring straight
I was able to tell by her gait
Something interesting caught her eye
Perhaps it was that spy
That Tom who was always
Trespassing on her territory
I will never know
There was no showdown
She simply upped and walked stealthily away
I saw a cat of ebony
Sitting on a plank of wood
I palpitate my circles of light and love
 to embrace and engulf you  true!
In my garden – No Mat!

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