More Than A Helper

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You’re more than a helper to me                                                                                                  

My guide my guard my protector
That’s three and then………
You encompass all the things I love
About Life and all that’s sent from above
The graces gifts the grains we grow
And everything we reap and sow
Joys laughter and pain we share
Proving that we really care
Inner strength we always muster
When we fight and fright disaster
We’re walking side by side in Love and Pain
Sharing many games and gain
Sometimes we walk but sometimes we run
And in the middle of all this we try to have fun
Often I will hear you say
Let’s teach the children the games we play!
So we follow your amazing plan
To help the children take a stand
They accept the baton in one hand
And off they run as fast as they can
Experiencing the sowing reaping we know
To continue growing the lifeline for sure
You are more than a helper to me 
You Are My Family!

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

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