It’s Carnival!

Raggiana Bird of Paradise
By Markaharper1
Image courtesy of

It’s August Bank Holiday weekend

Notting Hill is ablaze with CARNIVAL
In swoops the elusive Birds Of Paradise
Their plumage
Of reds whites golds and greens glisten in the sun
Long tail feathers gliding gracefully across air currents
As they join the feverish throng
Accompanied by their golden energetic chicks
Who will be initiated in the 
Art Of Carnival Revelry
Over two glorious but brief days…
Jump! jump! jump! jump!
 Jump up! jump up!
Play mas! Play mas! Play mas! Play mas!
The merriment is in full swing then all of a sudden
The sun’s rays begin to lose their shine on day two…
 It’s all over
The Birds Of Paradise
Chicks in tow
Glide up up up and away towards the sun 
Gone in a puff
Not to be seen until
(1) “Jour vers” returns
Will come
To continue the fun

(1) Dawn – On the first day of Carnival

(Inspired by: My sister Yvonne)

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