My Favourite Numbers

  12 13 19 28 56
Twelve Thirteen Nineteen Twenty-Eight and Fifty-Six
Are my favourite numbers
They give me Loving-Care 
The kind mothers share
56 28 19 13 12
Fifty-Six Twenty-Eight Nineteen Thirteen Twelve
Are my favourite numbers
They walk with me hand-in-hand
Whenever I go down to the Valley
Up to the Mountaintop
Out to see a show or
Simply walking along the Seashore
 12 13 19 28 56
Twelve Thirteen Nineteen Twenty-Eight and fifty-Six
Are my favourite numbers
They never disagree
That makes me so happy
They will always live with me
Do you see?
Do you agree?
During moments of slumber
Let your mind wonder
Then ponder
 Your favourite numbers. . .
What’s yours?
And do they take you outdoors?. . .

Your Lucky number and Happy Birthday!

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