Not Ready To Decay

File:Mexican poppy field.jpg
Image: poppy_ field
courtesy of
No matter what you do or say
We are not dying today
You test us each and every way
Nearly every day
Yet We always resist
Blatantly insist
We are not dying today
Still you persist
Every step of the way
We are not dying today
There’s too much here
For us to learn
Face challenges
Find hidden fun
Take opportunities
Roll with the punches
Follow Our hunches
Take plunges
Face crunches
Rise up with bunches
Of sweet smelling roses
Take the stance strike the poses
That resemble the silence
The pauses
In a field of poppies
Make no mistake
When facing venomous snakes
Always resist
Blatantly insist
We are wide awake
We are not dying today
We are not ready to decay

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