On The Bus

Universal Bus

On the bus

On the bus
The Universe is driving 
All Of Us
No need to worry
No need to fuss
We’re all travelling
On the Universal bus

On the bus
On the bus

The Universe is driving
All Of Us
No need to hurry
Get caught in a flurry
We’re all travelling
On the Universal bus

On the bus
On the bus
The Universe is driving
All Of Us
Please take your seats
Belts on neat
Stretch your arms
Relax your feet
We’re all travelling
On the Universal bus

On the bus
On the bus
The Universe is driving
All Of Us
Destinations are based
On Love and Trust
We’re all travelling
On the Universal bus

On the bus
 On the bus
The Universe is driving
All Of Us
We’re all travelling
On the Universal bus
The Universe is driving
All Of Us
The Universe is taking
Care of
All Of Us
We’re all travelling
On -the -Universal -bus

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