Reflect In October (RIO)

Beautiful Energy (BE)

O come to BE, 
Reflect in October.
See Mother Nature’s
Beautiful Energy;
The change October rings,
Compliment of Natureally. (1)
Autumn dresses in her finest;
Stirring, Spine-tingling, Soothing Shades;
To address Mother Earth and Her kin.
O come to be, ravishing, great beauty.
Restore Eternity
As it’s meant to BE…
Beautiful Energy
Peace is the fruit October births for me.
O come to BE, 
Reflect in October
See Mother Nature’s
Beautiful Energy;
Before Autumn moves over

(1- Nature, naturally, really)

(Inspired by: Kate W who exudes Amazing, Beautiful Energy!)

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

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