Sisters Take Tea

Sacred Ritual

I love to take tea with my sisters

 You see this very old ritual
 Brings out the Peace
 And allows us to
 In the most flavoursome beverage 
 I love to take tea with my sisters 
First we set the scene 
The table is dressed with all the necessities
Then we start the ceremony 
By giving 
Thanks and Praise 
Before we raise 
Our cups to
 The Creator
 The Life Source 
   The Ancestors
The Life Force
  Mother Earth and her soil 
Mother Nature and her Produce
The Produce 
The Tea 
The Water
And the Sun Of course 
Blessings Offered 
Accepting smiles are exchanged 
Hugs and kisses are planted
 Followed by ecstasy 
As me and my sisters take tea
For ceremony
Essence for ceremonies from

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