B…as I Am meant me to BE
E…nergy the force that’s driving me
A… ncestors come to me naturally
U… sing the gift of spirituality
T…elling truths about life in reality
I…nitiating the Human family
F… illing in the blanks in memory
U… nlocking the Christ Light in you and me
L…ove Eternally
Beautiful. .. that’s how we’re meant to be
Living Beautifully
That’s the Key
Be You Fully
There’s No-one else you need to be
No-thing else you need to do
You are born baby beautiful to Be You
Be You!
To the full
(Inspired by the little ones I teach!)
I palpitate my circles of light and love to embrace and engulf you true! |
This is beautiful mother and I love how you break them down piece by piece. Blessings
Thank you,Dear One. It's all done by the Ancestars. Blessings