Life is Full Of Colours

Colours Of Life
Mother Sun came
visiting today
She exuded colours so
Colours so hot
She wore a cloak of
Purple Pink and
Rivetting Red
Her dress was
Dazzlingly white
She kissed and hugged
me real tight
Her Perfect light
Healed me

That’s right

Life is full of Colours
Colours of Birth
Colours of Life
Colours of Living
Colours of Numbers
Colours of Words
Colours of Spirituality
Colours of Light
Colours of Rest
Colours of Work
Colours of Play
Colours of Care
Colours of Attention
Colours of Kindness
Colours of Wonder
Colours of Awe
Colours of Peace
Colours of Joy
Colours of Courage
Overcoming Challenges
Colours of Love
Colours of Openness
Colours of Unusual Repairs
Colours of strengthening Souls
Life is full of colours
Life is ours
Don’t cower
Or scutter
Earn your bread and
Like the butterfly
Stay high when you
Utter your Colour
I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

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