Magical May

Reflections Of Gold And Green

Can you feeeeel the MIM

Magic In May
Like a slumbering Summer’s Day
All the Comfort of Living Life comes our Way
Give Thanks and Blessings
Each and every day
 In the Month of May

Magical May Moments
Abundantly in all its Forms
Yellow shiny Light intoxicates everyone and everything every May

Yes! We can All Feeeeel the MIM

Magic In May
Like a slumbering Summer’s Day
All the Comfort of Living Life comes our Way
Give Thanks! 
Bless each and every day 
Especially those that fall In Magical May


I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

0 Responses to Magical May

  1. Very inspirational and during this current time it's warm and lovely. I enjoy reading these poems, they bring a different message each time.

  2. Your poems are so upliftingly full of positivity and vibrance . Thank you for sharing your fabulous creative gift with us.

  3. Enjoy reading your poems over and over. The same poem read on a different day brings me comfort in numerous ways. Thank you for sharing your gift.

  4. On reading your beautiful poem it's a refreshing start to the month of May! Thank you for always sharing your wonderful gift with us. x

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