Category Archives: souls and spirits connecting

Letter To A dear Friend-Sister

Letter To A dear Friend-Sister

Nature’s Choice 

My dear Friend-Sister,

You waited, Patiently, to start the journey that would, hopefully, return you for one final moment, in this time, to your precious Mooma, Mummy, Mother; terms of endearment from Spring




Seasons that conjure up decades of  




Loved, Loving, Loyal; 

She raised a clever, confident, courageous family.

Teaching, inspiring them to grab the opportunities and fly high.

May her departed spirit soar way over the massive mountains to reach the

Gracious Gatekeeper’s 




There, she will watch over Nature’s Oneness;

Guard, Guide, Protect;

Keep vigil and show Love to her descendants.

Stay connected to the invisible umbilical cord; that never-ending bond with One who will always BE…

So loved in and

Out of doors 



Attentive to innate wisdom.

Mummy will for-Eve-r be Present

Sitting on her throne in Mother Nature’s Calm Presence.

Give Thanks!

Lots of Love

A dear Friend-Sister 


(Inspired by my dearest Friend-Sister Sonia_06032034_1844.01)

I palpitate my circles of light and love 
to embrace and engulf you true!

Latt Is The Energy

A-Z Of Being  Latt is Love Appreciation Trust Truth  Love of self stirs love of others that animates Appreciation of Mother Nature and Her children who awakens you to hike; Her Inner-knowing-Eternally-Birthing Force-for-Free Trust-love… You Are who You are meant to BE… listen to Your Truth that lives in Your heart gratefully Truth Trust Appreciation… Continue Reading

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