Messengers Of All

Eternal Blue
Holy Creator

I ask You to 
Send Your Messengers,
The Twin Flames
Love-Light and Unn-Conditional, 
To touch me
In order that I can remain Present
In Your Presence
That Creates “All for One and One for All.”
Oneness for ALL…

Abundance, Love, Light for One
 Light, Love, Abundance for Oneness
Wond-Awe for All-Times
Wond-Awe for All-Peoples
Wond-Awe for All-Ways
Wond-Awe for All-Mothers
Wond-Awe for All-Fathers
Wond-Awe for All-Children
Wond-Awe for Earth, Ether, Nature, Eve. 
Messengers moving Waallo.

(Inspired by: The Cheese Plant, Rose Bush and Ivy I love so much!)


I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

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