Category Archives: gratitude

First Prize

Gold & Green In Full Flight

We have landed

Come to De-Light

Commit to Stillness; take a dive into the Healing Harmonious Vibrations

Open our Sphere-Cylinder-Eyes

Make the Link

We Do Not have to Think!

Everyone Receives the First Prize

COME see how we all have Special-Eyes

So full of Awe-Wonder so Unmistakably Wordly-Wise

When we choose to Wear Tranquil-Turquoise

Seek our Talents our Truth

Enjoy our Ultimate Uniqueness

Accept our Remarkable Resurrection

Feel our Quick Quantum Shift

Bless our Undefiled Nature

Thank our Original Spirit

Know our Innate Self

Embrace our Supreme Source

Bask in our Everlasting Energy 

Walk hand-in-hand with our Gorgeous God-to-us Prize…

Connect to I 

The Healing Energy that blesses all-Eyes

We have Landed

Come to De-Light

Gift Thanks!

(Gift! After a stroll in the park) 05042022_1309.01)

I palpitate my circles of light and  love 
to embrace and engulf you true!

Healing When Teaching

Freedom Flowing  It is all about Heal-in-gradually Not Teach-in-generously (1) “I like encouraging the little ones to BE in-dependent” in there think-in-gradually Let them do it their way  individually groups quarters halves Whole Class Then teach them how to blend words into sentences in accord with Matter and Beautiful Energy It is in that moment-Om-ment of… Continue Reading

Our Des

Dynamic Penny Pincher Energetic Smiler Motivated Messenger Operator in Nowness-Star Diligent-Deliverer Devoted son, father, grand-father, god-father, brother, nephew, uncle, great uncle, cousin, brother-in-law, familial friend, neighbourly-neighbour; Grateful-Greeter, sending Greetings to One and All; Daily WhatsApp to His Pals Peace Abundant-Love and Service; He never missed bowling that Ball! Wishing Us a Lovely Day full of…… Continue Reading


Morning Blessings I am Feeling I am Thinking I am Being Beautiful Numbers Beautiful Words Beautiful Energy Assertiveness Uniqueness Trusting In Fruitfulness Using Love Nurturing Universality Motivating Believing Earnestly Responding Sincerely Wisdom Organising Reading Directing Simplicity Feel-Think-Be! Beautiful Energy! (Gift! F-20102017_1523.01) I palpitate my circles of light and love to embrace and engulf you true! Continue Reading

Inner Throne (IT)

Sitting-in-De-Light Sense It! Feel  It Think! It Sow the Seeds for it! Envelope it…inner Core it! Grow it! Gift gratitude for it! Create it! Release it! All the Beautiful Energy In Your Inner Core Sitting on Your Inner Throne BE…IC…IT Beautiful Energy… Inner Core… Inner  Throne… (Gift!) TH_05042018_0520.01) I palpitate my circles of light and love to embrace and engulf… Continue Reading

Grace Is Amazing

Watchers of Silence Opening the Book of Your Life, It states, You are Born Enlightened. Unknowingly,  Sometimes knowingly, You Lose It. Eventually, Whilst following the winding road, Searching for Your Purpose, You sink into Silence. Raising Your Awareness, You Find It.  Full of the great gift of Grace, Now,  Is Your time. Love it! Use… Continue Reading

Well-Being Room

Gold & Green Our well-being room is… Welcoming Energising Love and Laughter Blissfully Entertaining  Inspiring Nurturing Gratifying Rallying Optimism Overcoming Moments of colourlessness Come in! Smile! Stay and play a while Before you say goodbye Can you hear the chime Thank you for visiting our well-being room See you next time  (Gift! On waking up!… Continue Reading

Morning’s Presence

Morning-Rose Thank You Loving Creator For Your Perfect Presence For Your Calming Essence For Your De-Light Full Days For Your Remarkable Rays For Your Healing Ways For Your Wonderful To-do days Thank You Creator For Casing Your Wholesome Wonderful Todays Your Happy Healing Ways Your Reposeful Remarkable Rays Your Dark-Light Full Days Your Essential Calming Essence In Morning’s Beautiful Perfect Presence Thank… Continue Reading

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