Category Archives: looking

Babbling Brook

Autumn Brook

Mother’s Babbling Brook
Babbled away
Rose up to man’s soil of grey
In silence
She did not spray
Babbled along the drive-way
Avoided the highway
Took the byway
Looking for truth-life-way
She found the Blue Brook sky-way
Realised this was not her-way
Chose to return to BE-ing
Mother’s Babbling Brook
In Earth’s Soil of clay
Babbling away
Sacred water-way
Since her Birth-in-earth-day
(Inspired by: Beautiful, Blue Morning Sky!)

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!


Caged Exited red Earth Cruiser Stepped into cool night soother Found beaming light nearer Saw cloud of dust like three leaf clover Stampede! Herd moved closer Heard live me a-loner Spirit moved faster Came I the diffuser Civilian!  To the Creator  Transformer Knoveser Healer  Lover (Gift! W_31102018_2317.01_0744) I palpitate my circles of light an loveto… Continue Reading

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