Category Archives: giving

Mice Be

No not Nice
I said…Be Mice

Beautiful energy

Encourage all that lies under the thin layers of skin
Let the spark of light refresh that infectious grin
To release all that lies within

 Mice Be


Beautiful Energy


I palpitate my circles of  light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!


Caged Exited red Earth Cruiser Stepped into cool night soother Found beaming light nearer Saw cloud of dust like three leaf clover Stampede! Herd moved closer Heard live me a-loner Spirit moved faster Came I the diffuser Civilian!  To the Creator  Transformer Knoveser Healer  Lover (Gift! W_31102018_2317.01_0744) I palpitate my circles of light an loveto… Continue Reading

No A & E

Peace not Pieces A & E Supported me all week Advised Encouraged To do what’s accurate what’s neat Tones were sweet Greetings peak Guided to seat Despite the size of the fleet They said… Put up your feet Do not fall in the street Take your time  Do not let your heart leap Into supersonic… Continue Reading

No Explanation Needed

In-Dark-In-Light I can see all that you’re wanting to achieve No One Exists without X-ray vision to Play the game of Life that is Abundance Nothingness Awareness Truth Initiation Openness Now-here filled with Nutritious Eternal Energy Driving Existence Defining everybody We are all born to Excel. We are all born to-obey… Talented Outstanding Otherness Brilliance… Continue Reading

For All Youths

Welcome! Soul Heart Eye She-He  Made a crucial decision today To send out Love’s passionate healing-healers  Our way  All day. A bunch of dancing Love Light Directing A mass of Blessings for One and All Youths. She–He  Made a crucial decision today to Believe in the Young For they are the Ones from whom we’ve All Sprung. Believe… Continue Reading

Warriors Of Words

I palpitate my circles of light and love to embrace and engulf you true! We are wordy warriors armed with wealthy words not savage swords Armed with Respect Resilience Integrity Optimism Readiness Service Openness Faith Willingness to accept Overcome Redefine roles by Directing wow words of wonder not Swords We are Armed with Respect Resilience Integrity… Continue Reading

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