Responsibility Takes Action

Inner Journey

Responsibility takes Action
Entranced by Gratitude
Sweet on the
Power of Nothingness
Officiating the
Nowness of Eternal 
Service with Success
Identifying talents, true beauty of the
Belle Blue Ball where the spark of life
Ignites the fire and flames of unconditional 
Love that is supported by
Tenderness of the soothing
Yellow Light

Yellow Light
 Tenderness of the soothing


                                          Love that is supported by

                       Ignites the fire and flames of unconditional 

                          Belle Blue Ball where the spark of life

                          Identifying talents, true beauty of the

                                  Service with Success

                                 Nowness of Eternal

                                     Officiating the

                                Power of Nothingness

                                       Sweet on the

                              Entranced by Gratitude

                           Responsibility takes Action  


I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

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