Beautiful Energies in Emotion-Motion
(On waking up!)
(All things the little ones love!)
I palpitate my circles of light and love to embrace and engulf you true! |
(On waking up!)
(All things the little ones love!)
I palpitate my circles of light and love to embrace and engulf you true! |
Sitting-in-De-Light Sense It! Feel It Think! It Sow the Seeds for it! Envelope it…inner Core it! Grow it! Gift gratitude for it! Create it! Release it! All the Beautiful Energy In Your Inner Core Sitting on Your Inner Throne BE…IC…IT Beautiful Energy… Inner Core… Inner Throne… (Gift!) TH_05042018_0520.01) I palpitate my circles of light and love to embrace and engulf… Continue Reading
Nature-Love-Light Truth stares us in the face with Unequivocal Honesty Our senses intuit the reality but We decide to colour Truth with our view from the windows to our soul T elling R eliving U niqueness T rusting H eart Colour Truth From the nucleus of Your sphere Telling Reliving Uniqueness Trusting Heart Colour Truth With Wisdom of Heart (Gift!… Continue Reading
Eyes Eternal Went to sleep last evening Listening! To the dropping, dancing Rain Returning Ancestors Initiating Newness Woke up this morning to the Rhythmic Rain Rested to the Rhythm Rain, rain, Rain R-ai-n-in-in-in-ing The Ancestors aren’t simply playing Much Saying At times, in union with Lightning Cracking Followed by Thunder Bolting Let the Light-In; embrace… Continue Reading
Inner Journey Responsibility takes Action Entranced by Gratitude Sweet on the Power of Nothingness Officiating the Nowness of Eternal Service with Success Identifying talents, true beauty of the Belle Blue Ball where the spark of life Ignites the fire and flames of unconditional Love that is supported by Innate Tenderness of the soothing Yellow Light Yellow Light Tenderness… Continue Reading
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