Category Archives: gift

Creating Joyful Energy

Celestial  Eye Bless each day Creatively Bless-Love each silent sequence Lubricate the world with Joyful Energy Creating Remembering Everything Activating Talents Internal gifts Visions Electrifying Love and the Yellow Light of Life Listening to your Unique Beautiful Revelations Inspiring Creativity Amongst Transformational Energies Joining-in One-ness You-all of us-me-ness  Feeling Utilising Liberating Energy Nourishing Everything &… Continue Reading


Seeing Above & Below  I am i as in Sp-i-rit You are it as in Spir-it We are Sp-i-r-it Let’s be i Let’s be it Let’s live in the Sp-i-r-it Can you see i? Can you see it? Can you feel i? Can you feel it? Love i! Love it! Live i! Live it! Let’s… Continue Reading


Bee-Lightful In Eden Speak Simplify your life Prepare for Energy living Abundance Kindergarten-kindness Feel the Joy Feel the Peace Feel the Love Feel the Bliss Feel-Free…Bliss Feel-Free…Love Feel-Free…Peace Feel-Free…Joy No-thing can be better than this No-thing is going amiss One PEA One POD In this Golden Age W_110320_0524.01) I palpitate my circles of light and… Continue Reading

Annual Action

Free April….Resurrection May… Manifestation June…Salutation July…Pulsation  August…Jubilation September…Superannuation October…Maturation November…Relaxation December…Celebration January…Incubation February…Formation March…Meditation What Act What Actions What do you Act on To fulfill your purpose Monthly Annually  How much do you care for and Celebrate your  Adorable  Retreat-in-generous zestful Energy   How many avocado pears do you share  with your gorgeous in-dwelling special pulsat-in-g in-spiring… Continue Reading

Drink From Your Cup

All Is Divinely Blessed  I am drinking from the cup of  Celestial  Utterances  Providing  A fresh new approach to living and loving life from the heArt I am following my perfect heArt Sharing presents of in-heArt-know-in-gratefully in the Present;  I am representing the Presence’s-She-He-Art   Giving thanks is an Energetic-EssEn-tial Art Join me; take heArt… Continue Reading


Perfect Garden  Creater De-vine Thank You for making me Thine Thankful Happy-Healer Intuitively Nurturing Inme De-Child Seer Eating from the Fruits of Eden’s Wile; Wonderful Inspiring Loving Energy Effortlessly No-Thing is Hidden  All is there to BE Eaten All is Nourished All is blessed on De-Vine All is Blessed-Supported-Synchronized-All the Time Thank You for making… Continue Reading

Let The Sun

Pure-Ess-Energy  Let The Soothing Warmth BE Your Comforter Let The Sun Embrace Your life Let The Source Love Your life Let The Uni-Verse Light up Your life Let The Nurturer Give You Life You Are Beautiful Energy-Every Om-ment Moment! Let The Sun Enamour Your Spirit Feel All The Glory-to-Us-ness with-in-it Give Thanks! (Gift! SA_300422_1044.01) I… Continue Reading

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