Category Archives: awareness


Morning Blessings I am Feeling I am Thinking I am Being Beautiful Numbers Beautiful Words Beautiful Energy Assertiveness Uniqueness Trusting In Fruitfulness Using Love Nurturing Universality Motivating Believing Earnestly Responding Sincerely Wisdom Organising Reading Directing Simplicity Feel-Think-Be! Beautiful Energy! (Gift! F-20102017_1523.01) I palpitate my circles of light and love to embrace and engulf you true! Continue Reading

River Faith

Water Blessing i  dived into the great River Faith  Rose up with the Almighty i  could not wait To sprinkle the platinum water droplets  Without bait A simple smile Blessed all those who wished to be awake Dive into the great River Faith Rise up One Rise up All Rise up Mighty I (Gift! SA_11012020_1152.01)… Continue Reading

The Heart

Moon And Matter The heart  always flows feels loves opens welcomes satisfies standing sumptuously thoroughly attentively nobly directly inherently nature-really gratefully  or sitting upright laying down sideways moving left-right-right-left ways heart-ever way it goes  our heart is the one who knows. our  heart  The One  gorgeous reverberating  enthusiastic altruistic  tolerant Heart always flows forever enclosed… Continue Reading


 Essential Light Liberate  Your Essence Let it pour out  Your Love Let it shine  Your Light Let it wash away all that isn’t really there Shine Shine Your Light Pour out  Your Love Liberate  Your Essence Let Your Creator pour out Your Spirit. (Gift! SU_20012019_1400.01) I palpitate my circles of light and loveto embrace and engulf you… Continue Reading

Inner Throne (IT)

Sitting-in-De-Light Sense It! Feel  It Think! It Sow the Seeds for it! Envelope it…inner Core it! Grow it! Gift gratitude for it! Create it! Release it! All the Beautiful Energy In Your Inner Core Sitting on Your Inner Throne BE…IC…IT Beautiful Energy… Inner Core… Inner  Throne… (Gift!) TH_05042018_0520.01) I palpitate my circles of light and love to embrace and engulf… Continue Reading

Colour Truth

Nature-Love-Light Truth stares us in the face with Unequivocal Honesty Our senses intuit the reality but We decide to colour Truth with our view from the windows to our soul T elling R eliving U niqueness T rusting H eart Colour Truth From the nucleus of Your sphere Telling Reliving Uniqueness Trusting Heart Colour Truth With Wisdom of Heart (Gift!… Continue Reading


Autumnal Regalia Speak  Truth-Fully Live  Joy-Fully Love-Life  With Beauty-Wonder-Fully Create at Will-Fully Be Truthful Live with Joy Find LoWoB… Love Wonder Beauty Create your own life Deliberately Speak  For yourself  Unearth your Beauty In-joy feelings of Wonderment excavated by Silence Love-Live-Life Create Be Grace-Fully Beautiful Energy Gratitude Resilience Adaptability Confidence Enthusiasm Welcome Lowob Discover inner-outer… Continue Reading

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