Category Archives: oneness


Seeing Above & Below 

I am i as in Sp-i-rit

You are it as in Spir-it
We are Sp-i-r-it
Let’s be i
Let’s be it
Let’s live in the Sp-i-r-it
Can you see i?
Can you see it?
Can you feel i?
Can you feel it?
Love i!
Love it!
Live i!
Live it!
Let’s Harmonize i
Let’s Harmonize it
Let’s  Live in the Spirit 
Always Gift Gratitude
for i and it.
Give Thanks!

(Gift_ F_10012020_0722.01)

I palpitate my circles of light and love
to embrace and engulf you true!

River Faith

Water Blessing i  dived into the great River Faith  Rose up with the Almighty i  could not wait To sprinkle the platinum water droplets  Without bait A simple smile Blessed all those who wished to be awake Dive into the great River Faith Rise up One Rise up All Rise up Mighty I (Gift! SA_11012020_1152.01)… Continue Reading


Let the Light Flow In! Let Your Light  Flow In! Spot the chandelier h-a… -ng… -ing above You above me above All of Us See how it glitters glows with the Yellow Light secured within its Spotless sparkling filtering fingers that display all the colours of Love and Life Mocking that which lies in the… Continue Reading


 Essential Light Liberate  Your Essence Let it pour out  Your Love Let it shine  Your Light Let it wash away all that isn’t really there Shine Shine Your Light Pour out  Your Love Liberate  Your Essence Let Your Creator pour out Your Spirit. (Gift! SU_20012019_1400.01) I palpitate my circles of light and loveto embrace and engulf you… Continue Reading

Morning’s Presence

Morning-Rose Thank You Loving Creator For Your Perfect Presence For Your Calming Essence For Your De-Light Full Days For Your Remarkable Rays For Your Healing Ways For Your Wonderful To-do days Thank You Creator For Casing Your Wholesome Wonderful Todays Your Happy Healing Ways Your Reposeful Remarkable Rays Your Dark-Light Full Days Your Essential Calming Essence In Morning’s Beautiful Perfect Presence Thank… Continue Reading


Autumnal Regalia Speak  Truth-Fully Live  Joy-Fully Love-Life  With Beauty-Wonder-Fully Create at Will-Fully Be Truthful Live with Joy Find LoWoB… Love Wonder Beauty Create your own life Deliberately Speak  For yourself  Unearth your Beauty In-joy feelings of Wonderment excavated by Silence Love-Live-Life Create Be Grace-Fully Beautiful Energy Gratitude Resilience Adaptability Confidence Enthusiasm Welcome Lowob Discover inner-outer… Continue Reading

Your Will In Hands

Air-Energy-Rising-In-All Let  Your Little Head Of Red, Your PPP…  Pure  Palpitating  Pumping Heart, Open Connect To the Inner Chambers That govern the Orchestra  Of Your Life. Fix Your gaze on the Conductor. Follow the hands that are willing to take the Lead Then  Listen! Fear-Heal  With the soft sweet melodic Music. Follow She-He who is willing to… Continue Reading


Eyes Eternal Went to sleep last evening Listening! To the dropping, dancing Rain Returning  Ancestors Initiating Newness Woke up this morning to the Rhythmic Rain  Rested to the Rhythm Rain, rain,  Rain R-ai-n-in-in-in-ing The Ancestors aren’t simply playing Much Saying At times, in union with Lightning Cracking Followed by Thunder Bolting Let the Light-In; embrace… Continue Reading

Tuned And In Harmony

Joy-In-Full-Ness “You so deserve it. You dear loving soul. You are tuned and in harmony” With Now Energy Sizzling Simplicity Together-ness Unique-ness Nothing-ness Energetic-ness Devoted-ness Inner Be-ing-ness Nurturing Happy-ness Abundance Responsibility Motivating Organising New-ness Yes-in-De-Light-Full-ness With ALL the Creator stored in You  For Your BE-ing-Ness Abundance Love Light Beautiful Energy Inner Nourishment Grate-In-Full-Ness Now Energy Sizzling Simplicity.… Continue Reading

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