Inner-Light Inner-Beauty Wisdom Oneness Love Gaping through the Windows Of Life-Time-Opportunity-Window Wol Am I (W_26042017_1330.01) Continue Reading
Blessed Physical Energetic Artistic Motion Moving… pacing-toing-froing Articulating… rising and falling to rhythms and colours Engaging… with zesty-soft tones and beats Perfecting… the experience of love-life-living Peam PE… Art…Music… Beautiful Energies in Emotion-Motion (On waking up!) (All things the little ones love!) (SU_31032018_0304.01) I palpitate my circles of light and love to embrace and engulf… Continue Reading
Dawn And Day (DAD) Do not try to fix what was never whole You are the only driver You control Hot…Warm…Cold Experiences are needed for Life to grow Pick up Your bitter-sweet brown broken pieces Peace Independence Emotions Clarity Energy Simplicity Go Watch as Your truth unleashes All Your “Red Candle” Wishes (W_11092019_0535.01) I palpitate my circles of light and love… Continue Reading
Sitting-in-De-Light Sense It! Feel It Think! It Sow the Seeds for it! Envelope it…inner Core it! Grow it! Gift gratitude for it! Create it! Release it! All the Beautiful Energy In Your Inner Core Sitting on Your Inner Throne BE…IC…IT Beautiful Energy… Inner Core… Inner Throne… (Gift!) TH_05042018_0520.01) I palpitate my circles of light and love to embrace and engulf… Continue Reading
Nature-Love-Light Truth stares us in the face with Unequivocal Honesty Our senses intuit the reality but We decide to colour Truth with our view from the windows to our soul T elling R eliving U niqueness T rusting H eart Colour Truth From the nucleus of Your sphere Telling Reliving Uniqueness Trusting Heart Colour Truth With Wisdom of Heart (Gift!… Continue Reading
Autumnal Regalia Speak Truth-Fully Live Joy-Fully Love-Life With Beauty-Wonder-Fully Create at Will-Fully Be Truthful Live with Joy Find LoWoB… Love Wonder Beauty Create your own life Deliberately Speak For yourself Unearth your Beauty In-joy feelings of Wonderment excavated by Silence Love-Live-Life Create Be Grace-Fully Beautiful Energy Gratitude Resilience Adaptability Confidence Enthusiasm Welcome Lowob Discover inner-outer… Continue Reading
Spirit In Matter You are De-vine by Design! De-vine Ener-genetic Vibrations Instinctive Numbers Encouraging Designing Everything Starting afresh Inspiring Guidance New Design by De-vine are You. (Inspired by my friend Khadijah!) (SA_12012019_1801.01) I palpitate my circles of light and loveto embrace and engulf you true! Continue Reading
Meditating-Inner Light-Within Tabernacle Jesus is in All Of Us Jesus Energy is the Superpower that shines through All Of Us Uniquely Sacredly To create a shift in focus Jesus Jus-us Just-us Jesus is Jesus is Us Jesus is Just Jesus is in All Of Us Blessing The Age Of Aquarius Gift! (SU_27012019_1554_01/2_0559) I palpitate my circles of… Continue Reading
Reservoir Mother Inme Let Your Christ Light Flow Fully to release ME Memorable Energy Creator lighting the way to Happiness in Oneness Restoring Inner Sounds Of Full-Black-Ness in Silent Moments Free Unflappable Light-Hearted Liberated Feelings Belonging Loving Accepting Communicating Kind words Novaturient (1) Ethereal Spirit Soul Total Mastery Of Self… Controlled Possessed Confident. Thank… Continue Reading
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